Step 3: Research the Fiction Market So few writers do this, indie or otherwise, but those who do, and do it intelligently, are killing it. But that is what a large part of the market wants. It usually takes 4 hours or longer to even critique of a 32 page picture book for year olds with editing suggestions, further advice on a couple of re-worked versions and providing written, encouraging and useful feedback at each stage …and then a final grammar, punctuation and spelling check. Their more-recently debuted peers are not doing anywhere near as well. Please try again later.
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Customer reviews. How to Write Pulp Fiction. Format: Kindle Edition Change. Write a review. See All Buying Options. Add to Wish List.
The Writing Cooperative
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Customer reviews. How to Write Pulp Fiction. Format: Kindle Edition Change. Write a review. See All Buying Options. Add to Wish List. This page works best with JavaScript. Disabling ficttion will result in some disabled or missing features.
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All stars 5 star only 4 star only 3 publishijg only 2 star only 1 star only All positive All critical All stars. All formats Format: Kindle Edition All formats. Text, image, video Image and video reviews only Text, image, video. Showing of reviews. There was a problem filtering reviews right. Please try again later. Aisling D. Top Contributor: Writing. Unique info, useful for any writer of fiction or nonfiction.
Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase. I thought I knew a lot about writing pulp fiction. I’d even found what I thought was Lester Dent’s formula, online.
The only reason I bought this was because it’s by James Scott Bell. I glean at least ONE amazingly useful tip from every book he writes, and I usually learn a lot that changes and improves everything I write. Well, Bell is at his best with this book. Yes, it’s kind of «everything but the kitchen sink,» but that’s a good thing.
I’m not sure I’ll ever mske pulp fiction. It’s not how to make money publishing pulp fiction on amazon style. It showed me how to energize my fiction and nonfiction, using some pulp-fiction-ish style.
And, that Lester Dent info you’ve probably seen online? Bell ;ulp the full formula. It’s about 3x bigger than anything online, and it makes a world of difference if you’re trying to write to market, and use story beats that turn books into page turners. Some portions of this book weren’t useful to me. Bell is kind of all-over-the-place with this one, and Hoe grateful for.
Between bits I didn’t need, and things that don’t apply to my writing, I found tips, tricks, and suggestions that are pure gold. In my opinion, every writer and aspiring author can learn from this book. Great stuff. There was a problem loading comments right. Showing 0 comments. Sort by: Newest ;ublishing. Primary value was the encouragement and publidhing, the psychology regarding how to approach writing fast and loose.
Those are the parts I’ll be rereading. Good solid overview with enough detail to be useful to someone who’s already a writer but looking for specific info on writing pulp. Marketing and publishing sections are covered far better elsewhere and didn’t add value. I’ve read a lot of books on the craft of writing.
Most of them I couldn’t finish. Of the one’s I did, I learned one, sometimes two ideas of real value. It has always been my opinion that if I learn one good idea from a book, my time and money was well spent. This is the only book on the craft of writing that I actually enjoyed reading. In fact, the book ends with a short story filled with both inspiration AND valuable advice for a new writer. For those who write in genre’s that fit in the «pulp» style how to make money publishing pulp fiction on amazon writing, this is an essential read.
A must purchase that every amazom writer needs in their arsenal of tools. Format: Paperback Verified Purchase. Literary writers are especially fond of looking down their noses at genre writers.
But good pulp is simply another version of the art form known as the novel. Bell defines pulp fiction as plot centric, easy to read, and fast-paced, with colorful characters, witty dialogue, and intriguing settings.
In other words, popular fiction. Romance and thrillers are the bestselling genres hhow, but Bell only gives a passing nod to romance. His advice is clearly for those who want to write thrillers or hardboiled pulo, especially in a series. This is a very specific book for a very specific kind of writer. But author James Scott Bell JSB tries to emphasize the fact that pulp writing, in its purest form, is, always has been, mae always publisshing be work. It is a job, a way to make money, and for many, it is a living but is also its own reward.
So, the focus is on writing prolifically — good, escapist, entertaining and marketable genre fiction. Many magazines also published short stories or serialized novels, back in the day.
JSB gives amszon enough history about the «classic pulp era» from s to s. Many of those years, most before television was common, people had voracious appetites for escaping in a short, easy-to-read, and cheap to buy novel. There were westerns, confessionals, adventure stories, detective, fantasy, and many others — something for everyone’s taste.
And pulp fiction, that has provided millions of entertaining words through its heyday, is far from dead. In fact, JSB points to what is essentially a resurgence ficrion the introduction of pulp to the digital market. The book gives some concrete advice on writing pulp for a digital format.
Publishimg JSB fictiob many of the money-making devices so popular in this market. He points the reader to many other books he has published, expanding on the brief thoughts presented fictin.
While quoting the masters such as William Wallace Cook and Erle Stanley Foction, JSB is a pioneer and an innovator and offers much practical advice about surviving and prospering as a pulp writer in the 21st century. The book, like pulp, is quick and easy and an interesting starting point for anyone interested in either writing their own or gaining insight into how it is.
Remember: «A writer works. Bell is great, as always, and this takes the mystery out of pulp writing and instills confidence yet without downplaying the effort required to succeed.
My single minor complaint is that I would have liked to see a sample plot get developed, and a sample ma,e or two written and revised. Still, this is a solid five star book for writers. Bell, and he knows his craft! The first part of this book is dedicated to the history of pulp fiction. I would have gladly paid more if there was an in depth analysis of current and popular pulp genres with contemporary examples. What are the tropes of military thrillers?
Space opera? Shapeshifter horror? That would be very helpful and practical for writers merging onto the Kindle on ramp. I loved revisiting this era and all the writing insights! Great inspiration and great description of how the pulp writers of a century ago worked. And many in the indie world are doing just what they did to enormous success today. I particularly enjoyed the quotations from books on writing by pulp writers, and Bell’s embodiment publidhing his advice in the pulp story at the end.
Bell points to the marketing issues of self-publishing rather than detailing. That’s fine. The marketing landscape changes monthly and is easily accessible. Avoiding that will actually give his pull lasting value.
Although I’ve read bits and pieces of a lot of the content covered in this book over the years, James Scott Bell organizes it in an easy-to-follow way. I knew about Lester Amazn formula mmoney Erle Hwo Gardner’s plot wheels, but the presentation here gave me ideas for using my own variants on these methods.
What I most liked was the positive attitude throughout the book.
Plympton, for its part, is off to a good start. Then I makd for a final round of proofreading kn a different set of eyes. There has never been a better time to be a writer. And those sales can be substantial; Lee points out that one of Plympton’s writers, Carolyn Nash, made high five figures on a Kindle Single called Trunk Key. Amazon Second Chance Pass it on, trade it in, give it a second life. And we encourage you to really…. Her talk dispelled many of the myths around self-publishing and inspired me to pursue it. Here at Written Word Media, we work with lots of Author Assistants who book features with us on behalf of their Authors. Over time, the specific types of paid traffic that work best will shift and change, but there will always be well-converting ways to advertise your funnel-starter book directly to the person most likely to love it and then read through your catalogue. Sixty-thousand words is a decent length for a book. This means that publishing independently gives authors a greater opportunity to make more money from their books and achieve monetary success. This gives our series maximum attention.
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