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How much money you make for 1 youtube video

how much money you make for 1 youtube video

Hey An really hoping to start a vlog soon via your help Thanks so much. Hi adam. You can see the posts in your queue, and the Stories at the YouTubers in highly-viewed niches like listicles, news, celebrity gossip, makeup and beauty, and popular fails quickly pull in revenue with millions of views. Estimated Daily Earnings. Here YouTubers make money by selling either short mentions or more extended product recommendations on brands looking for exposure.

Estimated Total Earnings by Channel

Last Updated on July 10, When I first started watching YouTube a few years back, it was pretty mondy for a video to top the 1 million view mark. But in the past year, reaching 1 million views on YouTube seems to be the new bench mark for many creators. In fact there is now over videos on YouTube that have topped the billion view mark. Yep, billion with a B.

Kevin David — $40,000 (1.1 million views)

how much money you make for 1 youtube video
A video with 1 million YouTube views doesn’t always make the same amount of money for a creator — in fact, how much the YouTuber earns can vary wildly. How much an influencer earns from Google’s AdSense program on a YouTube video depends on a number of factors, from the place in the video where viewers normally drop off to the type of advertisers the video gets. Some top creators have ad-placement strategies for earning the most money possible, and generally how much money is earned varies based on a video’s watch time, length, and viewer demographic. Some videos that contain swearing or copyrighted music can be flagged by YouTube and demonetized, earning hardly any money for the creator or none at all. Business Insider spoke with four YouTube influencers with vastly different channels — Marina Mogilko, Kevin David, Austen Alexander, and Shelby Church — on how much they earned from videos with 1 million or more views.

How to Make Money on YouTube

A video with 1 million YouTube views doesn’t always make the same amount of money for a creator — in fact, how much the YouTuber earns can vary wildly. How much an influencer earns from Google’s AdSense program on a YouTube video depends on a number of factors, from the place in the video where viewers normally drop off to the type of advertisers the video gets. Some top creators have ad-placement strategies for earning the most money possible, and generally how much money is earned varies based on a video’s watch time, length, and viewer demographic.

Some videos that contain swearing or copyrighted music can be flagged by YouTube and demonetized, earning hardly any money for the creator or none at all. Business Insider spoke with four YouTube influencers with vastly different how much money you make for 1 youtube video — Marina Mogilko, Kevin David, Austen Alexander, and Shelby Church — on how much they earned from videos with 1 million or more views.

Marina Mogilko has three YouTube channels: a language channel, a lifestyle channel, and a business channel. She told Business Insider that her business channel was more appealing to advertisers than her other two channels because of the type of content, thus making more per view in Google AdSense revenue.

Some YouTube creators will label their content as «educational» or «business» to raise their rates, she said, but in her experience, YouTube’s algorithm is smart enough to know whether a video is educational or not. Kevin David hassubscribers on YouTube. David gets the ideas for his content by looking at the Google Ads Keyword Planner to see how often people are searching particular phrases and looking at other combinations of video topics and thumbnails that have been successful in view count, he told Business Insider.

He said he made his Shopify tutorial video while staying in a cheap hostel in Australia with no camera or equipment. But his videos make such a high rate from AdSense because he focuses on business topics, which are often more appealing to advertisers. Austen Alexander hassubscribers on YouTube.

Alexander increases his videos’ watch time how long a viewer watches a video for by building up the anticipation at the start of a video, he said. He enables every ad option on his videos, which include banner, preroll, and midroll ads.

He also adds an «ad break» in the middle of a video, which he said has helped his earnings. Shelby Church has 1. Church has 17 videos with over 1 million views. She typically earns most of her revenue from sponsored posts, rather than from AdSense on YouTube, she said. Church mainly films tech-review videos, with topics like which iPhone is worth the cost, or the features of her Tesla Model 3.

Church generally makes her videos over 10 minutes long so that she can include more ads. On average, she includes four ads: one preroll ad before the video starts, two ads in the middle, and one at the end of the video. For more on the economics of an influencer career, according to YouTube and Instagram stars, check out these Business Insider Prime posts:. Account icon An icon in the shape of a person’s head and shoulders.

It often indicates a user profile. Login Subscribe. My Account. World globe An icon of the world globe, indicating different international options.

Amanda Perelli. This story requires our BI Prime membership. YouTube’s Partner Program allows influencers to earn money off their YouTube channels by placing ads within videos.

Google places these ads and pays a creator based on factors like a video’s watch time, length, and viewer demographic. Sign up for Business Insider’s influencer newsletter, Influencer Dashboard, to get more stories like this in your inbox. Visit Business Insider’s homepage for more stories. Digiday Deal.

How Many Subs Do You Need to make $1,000 on YouTube?

Estimated Total Earnings by Video

Yes, it is hard to make money on YouTube. You can upload only your video! On average, she includes four ads: one preroll ad before the video starts, two ads in the how much money you make for 1 youtube video, and one at the koney of the video. However, since people hate parting with their hard-earned cash, donations are more commonly used to keep a channel going rather than bring someone high earnings on YouTube. David gets the ideas for his content by looking at the Google Ads Keyword Planner to see how often people are searching mobey phrases and looking at other combinations of video topics and thumbnails that have been successful in view count, he told Business Insider. Obviously, it is important for a channel to keep coming up with new videos, at least one to two videos per week. With stricter rules and regulations, aspiring vloggers need to try a lot harder to be able to make this platform lucrative. Those who make it through can prosper very nicely. Founder of Rainmakers, the worlds leading Growth Hacking Agency.


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