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Professional sportsmen are more interested in making money

professional sportsmen are more interested in making money

When salaries rise, so do ticket prices. I have trouble thinking in English. Those arthletes that have huge contracts have been those with great results during the last decade such as Tiger Woods or Michael Schucmacher. Ancient Chinese stories. This epitomises my point that football has become more about the money than playing well!! Category: Sports. One of football’s longest running debates.

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Players are all about the money.

professional sportsmen are more interested in making money
Tiger Woods, along with many other professional athletes, certainly think so. But do these athletes really deserve all that money? In my mind, absolutely not. Teaching is one of the most economically important occupations because our future economy relies on the education of its youth, yet teachers are paid astronomically less than the average professional athlete is. While President Obama is hard at work reviving the economy, the unproven rookie in the MLB is earning way over that figure. Furthermore, police officers, firefighters, and doctors save lives while risking their own for a fraction of what sports stars make.

Why MLB Players Land The Best Pro Contracts

If you are good enough then only people will be interested in you. Due to this service you’ll save your time and get an essay without plagiarism. The sledge, battered through the journey, collapsed in the left ski as it came to a halt, spilling out its occupants. English Comprehension. Ih higher education may not guarantee success, it certainly puts you in a position to work with the best Playing rugby for instance develops your muscles; improve speed, agility and cardiovascular fitness. I don’t know how to improve. These principles are distilled from a literature review of nearly different sources, many of which are included in the Literature Cited listing at the back of this plan. We would love to hear what you think — please leave a comment!


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