Amazon Rapids Fun stories for kids on the go. How to market your eBook the right way without spending a lot of money. I wish I had known a mentor who could have guided me through the self publishing process with my own ebook. When you have reached your highest level of frustration, come back and read this book.
The Beginner Guide To Make Money Selling eBooks
True to say, Reading something in eBook is quite good than reading in paperback form, with lots of animation, Bright screen. In that case, if you are an author, you would have been writing books, now stop that, and start writing eBooks. That would interest your Readers. And too it comes to selling, selling paperback books is quite easier, gow stalls or Advertising. To gain the attention of buyers, you would have to design an attractive cover for your eBook, and not only cover, there are many factors too!
2. Lead Generation
All you have to do is sign up for their amazing program , or buy their astonishing sales kit , and you too can be earning many thousands of dollars each month. The first step is obviously writing an eBook. Thanks to the Digital Millenium Act of , anything you generate and publish online is already legally copyrighted under your author name. The key, when you choose what topics to write about, is to choose eBook topics in the same way you would choose an online article topic — based on the demand for that topic and the availability of it throughout the net. The smartest thing to do when you go with eBay is to set up a seller store and post your eBooks in a permanent listing for a regular fee.
How to Create an Ebook
True to say, Reading something in eBook is quite good than reading in paperback form, with lots of animation, Bright screen. In that case, if you are an author, you would have been writing books, now stop that, and start writing eBooks.
That would interest your Readers. And when it comes to selling, selling paperback books is quite easier, arranging stalls or Advertising. To gain the attention of buyers, you would have to design an attractive cover for your eBook, and not only cover, there are many factors too!
Here are few steps you can follow to earn money by Selling eBooks. If you are considering to write an eBook then you should write about what you love the most and what in which you have lots of experience.
You should not write about something that a friend suggests you or copying the niche of the best selling books, write what you can write. Provide them the best way, an normal literate person should also understand it! You should go on writing; there are many people out there to learn many new things from your eBook.
Most people buy books by looking at their covers only, so design a cover page that is eye-catching and gives a brief idea of what is inside. But now, it is an online world which is going to see it! So just give the highest graphics you could ever give, and prove that A book can be judged by its cover! If you want people to buy your eBook then you should tell them, why should they buy?
Your description should include all the mandatory information about the book such as Genre, Word Count, Author bio, ReviewsPages. Mention some of the common problems faced by people and show that you have solution to. That would interest. Run a giveaway of copies of your eBook on some established websites and give users an option to buy your eBook without entering the giveaway. This will let those visitors buy you eBook who have money but no time to wait for the giveaway to end.
You should sell as many eBooks as you can and the best method is to let buyers buy the part they are most interested in. It is the digital world; sell half of your book for a quarter of its price. And of course, many will buy it as the price would be low.
Mail them, and wait and watch whether they revert back to you. They will surely buy the full version if they are impressed with the first. This is another great method to boost the sales of your eBook as people are ready to spend more money if they get more th. Offer some freebies which will interest everyone, so that some would even buy it for the freebie. Try these tips: Send a copy to any blogger, and tell him to review it on his blog.
Place a Banner of your eBook in your own site. And lastly, comes Advertising, this require spending money, if you are ready with that, advertise as banners in some sites or in magazines. Atlast, coming to the main point in this guide to Make Money Selling eBooks.
By now, your eBook must be fully finished and ready for arranging in stores. You might be searching for the best sites to add your eBook and to fetch money out of it. Once your eBook becomes too famous, many piracy sites would offer people to download it for free, which is a very big loss for you. Even I, you and probably everyone you would have download many paid things for free. No one can prevent Piracy, it grows day by day. So keep this thing aside, and you start your goal of selling eBooks!
There is nothing more from my. Now it is your part! By now, you would have learned about how to make money selling eBooks. Did I miss any point in this guide? Do you recommend this method to make money selling eBooks? Share.
Read his trending post about Karbonn Titanium Octane Plus. Is there any way to build an ebook on my Android phone? Please help me. You can definitely do things from your phone. Use any good app to create Word Document and then you can follow the method mentioned above to create and sell ebook. All the best. Ali, I must confess to you that I have always enjoyed your articles.
They will assist me my blogging business. Keep it up. Hi Anirudh, Your post urges to stopping, Your really guide very well by your gentle post. Keep it up Thanks. I actually came across you on the internet at the very best time. Writing I can do, marketing not so. Thank you! Hi Anirudh. I wrote an ebook long. However was not sure what to do hence was distributing it for free.
I believe the information shared here will motivate for writing more and better ebooks. Instead of giving it for free, you could have earned with it, Hope you earn with your next eBook. Thanks :. Hello anirudh, Great topic and great presentation of your post.
Nice step by step guide. Great Post. Creating ebooks is not an easy task. We have to put more efforts in creating an effective e-book. By reading your post, even a person is not having skill to create a e-book, can easily made a ebook.
Congrats for putting this. There are many other issues that beginners will encounter when creating their first eBook like…. You just do proper research and address the never before asked questions to create the product.
Hope how to make money doing ebooks helps! Hi Anirudh, Excellent write mate! And having an established blog can help us getting ebook sale. Best place to start selling ebooks is WSO forums, where you select few top members give them your free copy and they will review it for you. Khaja, Thanks for mentioning the awesome place, Hope that will help many to fetch some money : Once again, Thanks for stopping by and commenting :.
Hello Anirudh, Nice share bro, you really did bring out some fascinating tips. Thanks for this lovely post and do have a blessed week.
Thank you very much for how to make money doing ebooks an amzing post. Making ebook and sell them can actually very great to make money. Thanks for sharing step by step information on how can we make and sell ebooks. Because not everyone is expert in Photoshop. Sarah, Thanks : You can follow some tutorials to create covers.
Thanks for the tip :. Your email address will not be published. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email.
This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. What to write on? Design attractive graphics: Most people buy books by looking at their covers only, so design a cover page that is eye-catching and gives a brief idea of what is inside.
Write a perfect description of your eBook If you want people to buy your eBook then you should tell them, why should they buy? Offer some freebies while Selling eBooks This is another great method to boost the sales of your eBook as people are ready to spend more money if they get more th.
How to Sell eBooks Online? Enjoyed reading? Share with your friends! Facebook Twitter Pinterest. It is a nice article concerning making and selling eBooks online. Victor, Glad that you enjoyed the article.
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Is it going to be a list? This tactic works with websites and ebooks. The faster you product- the faster you steam ahead, with jow hope and prospect of filling up your pockets just as fast. Amazon even has a list of companies specializing in ebook conversion. Even though it ended up fine, How to make money doing ebooks could have done so much better if I had known someone like. After word got out Richard Bachman ebookz, in fact, Stephen King, the book sold ten times .
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