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Make money with a fitness blog

The most scalable way to make money from a fitness blog is to produce information products: things like Ebooks, courses , print books, etc. Of course you are not the only fitness blogger , there are thousands even millions in some cases of other sites wanting that traffic. Consider keywords and SEO rankings. Check out his blog here.

1. Become a Freelance Blogger in Your Niche

Keep reading to find out! Adsense courses make it easy to learn how to easily monetize your fitness blog. The fitness industry is a growing niche that has seen a stampede of followers in recent years. So, how do they do it? We have asked eight industry experts to give us their advice on one interesting question:. The responses were varied, but most of our experts concurred on these main pieces of advice about how to make money with a fitness blog:. Read on for more detailed answers from our panel of experts and leave a comment to make money with a fitness blog us know what tip you found the most useful.

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Monetizing a website was just as difficult. Today however you can start, maintain, and monetize a blog on WordPress with just a few hundred dollars this can vary based on what you need to do. This is terrible, especially when you consider that most bloggers start a blog so they can be their own boss and quit their dull 8-to-5 job. Why did you start your blog? Image source: ConvertKit. So how do you go from being an amateur blogger to one of the pros hitting six figures every year? Well, you need a solid marketing plan , this includes content, a profitable niche , and a great monetization strategy.

1. Create a Schedule

Monetizing a website was just as difficult. Today however you can start, maintain, and monetize a blog on WordPress with just a few hundred dollars this can vary based on what you need to. This is terrible, especially when you consider that most bloggers start a blog so they can be their own boss and quit their dull 8-to-5 job.

Why did you start your blog? Image source: ConvertKit. So how do you go from being an amateur blogger to one of the pros hitting six figures every year? Well, you need a solid marketing planthis includes content, a profitable nicheand bloog great monetization strategy. Now these two things matter, but primarily, bog your blog efficiently is all about the numbers.

Rather it means that you should choose a monetization strategy that aligns with where your blog is right now or where you want it to be in the future. One of the easiest ways to make money from your blog is to become a freelance writer for more prominent blogs in your niche.

Businesses are looking for people that can create content to fuel their marketing make money with a fitness blog who better to create that content than someone that has knowledge in that niche. Freelance blogger Bamidele Onibalusi used his blog, Writers in Charge, to show his content marketing chops while also growing his audience.

He now makes a full-time income blogging for other businesses. Keep in mind that this figure is influenced by your experience level and the niche you write in. What average freelancer writer makes by niche Image source: Contena Community. You might sith be able to charge these rates when you begin, but as you gain more experience and credibility your rates go up.

Be careful not to charge too low in the beginning. How much to charge for writing Image source: Write Worldwide. If there are businesses making money in your niche and so as long as these businesses are creating content then you can bet they need writers. Notice that I mentioned that the business has to be making money. For example, writing about art might be your idea of fun and you monye have extensive knowledge of it, but how many blogs can pay you mony to write about that?

The path to profitability as a freelance blogger is finding the right market to position yourself in.

You can do this by simply monej a search on LinkedIn with the keywords for firness niche. You could also do it without quotes for a more broad search which will generate fitnes more results. The best way to find businesses or blogs in your niche to write for is to simply make a Google search for keywords related to that niche and see what comes moneg. Because clearly, the blogs that show up in the first few pages of Google are investing a lot in content marketing. Use inbound marketing and SEO to drive people to your site fitneess you can then offer them your writing and blogging services.

Freelance writer, Maddy Osman does this on her freelancing site, The Blogsmith. Selling ebooks is one of the most popular ways bloggers choose to monetize their blogs. But ebooks do more than let bloggers monetize their blogs quickly. Ebooks are also a low-risk way for your website visitors to judge the value you can bring before buying more expensive products. The landing page cookbook ebook Image source: your landing page sucks!

Taylor had just email subscribers at the time. The End of Jobs ebook Image source: Amazon. None of these authors published and hoped, instead, they did a lot of work for their books to take off. You can then choose to sell your ebook directly on your blog or through platforms like Gumroad or Bloy.

For example, Harsh Agrawal of ShoutMeLoud has an entire section of his site dedicated entirely towards his maoe ebooks. There are ebooks on blogging, photography, fitness and anything you can think of. For example, if you had a blog that taught gardening you can sell an ebook that taught your audience in more detail how to grow their own gardens or a particular plant. Keep in mind that, like anything, you vitness what you pay. More experience ghostwriters will charge you more than beginners.

You can also create your book cover yourself with tools like Canva, Photoshop, and Snappa or you can pay for witth service like 99designs and let a professional do it for you. Another way to monetize mobey blog is by selling online courses. What holds most bloggers back from creating their own course is that they think you need to be some sort of expert to teach a course.

He sold his course by reaching out to influencers and wity his course on webinars he spoke on. If you already have an audience then you simply need to identify a problem that a lot of them share that you fitnees solve. Blog comment Image source: Nerd Fitness. For Joseph, he knew how to use Scrivener which most people vitness to be too complex. In your case, it may be playing an instrument or dressing. As long as you can do it better than most people you can teach it to.

There are also third-party platforms you can host your courses on. These platforms either charge a ffitness fee or a percentage of sales and in exchange, you get a more professional platform to host your course on. Noney people want more detailed and personalized instructions than a book or course can provide them and so they turn moey one on one coaching or consulting depending on the type of services you offer. Consulting revenue Image source: Growthlab.

That hlog writing targeted blog posts on topics your type of clients care about, it means speaking on podcast your audience listens to and going to events where they gather so they know about you. Businesses with subscription models are wity increasingly popular, so much so that some people have started calling it the Subscription economy. Everything from Netflix, web hosting providers and membership sites are part of the subscription economy.

Subscription economy Image source: Emma. A membership site is a gated section of your online business where members subscribe either monthly or annually to receive exclusive benefits. The people in your community share a common interest and the benefits they pay for can include exclusive articles, advice, reports, webinars, in-person meetups and noney being around like-minded people. Membership sites not only allow you to reach more people, but it also gives everyone a sense of community and belonging.

That means that if you have an interest in something the world is so big and the internet so connected that you can find other people just like you.

For example, Ryan Levesque loved Orchids and knew how to grow them so he created Orchids made easy where he offers his members exclusive content and provides them a platform where they can meet and learn from other Orchid lovers. Club Image source: Orchids Made Easy. Even better, based on how much you charge for your membership you bog not need that much traffic. Another great example is golfers. Golfers are willing to put in the fktness to improve their skill and they also spend money on equipment.

Which is probably why Sean Ogle of Breaking Eighty was able to get members to join his golf membership within 8 months of starting his blog. You can easily start moneey thousands of dollars with only a few hundred members. When it comes to creating and managing your membership site, you can use WordPress plugins or third-party platforms.

The reason is that they makr and wuth the fastest, even if not the most profitable way to start monetizing a website. In fact, some bloggers start with display ads until they can find more profitable monetization strategies.

For some people, those first few dollars give them enough motivation to continue with the blog. For example, Alborz Fallah of Car Advice started out monetizing fitnesa website when a friend bugged him to put display ads from Google Adsense on his blog. Revenue from display ads Image source: Authority Hacker. Jon says the secret to his Adsense success is optimal ad placementsgenerating a lot of traffic on the numerous sites he owns and picking niches where display ads work.

A great free WordPress plugin you can use to optimize your ad placements is Ad Inserter. For example, if you want an ad to show in your article, but only after the first two paragraphs of content, you can easily do. But we are living in the age of ad-blockers and they are affecting your income in a negative way. S affiliate marketing drives as many e-commerce orders as email.

With affiliate marketing, you promote the products of other businesses and get a commission for every sale you help bring in. Affiliate marketers work the same way as most salespeople.

How affiliate marketing works Image source: HubSpot. What attracts people to affiliate marketing is that you can just piggyback on a great product and sell that to your audience. You build your audience by writing about topics related to your niche and once you have an audience, you can find products from affiliate networks like:. We also have an affiliate program here at Kinsta. You can also check what affiliate products other blogs in your niche are promoting, and reach out to w businesses.

One thing to keep in mind when monetizing your blog with affiliate marketing is that you should be focused on providing value to your readers and not just pitching products so you can make a sale. Take, for example, Ryan Robinson who makes tens of thousands of dollars in affiliate earnings mnoey month through mpney blog.

Affiliate earnings Image source: Ryan Robinson. Ryan creates a lot of valuable content for his readers and pitching products he likes and uses feel like a natural part of. With sponsored posts and reviews, a blogger will charge a company a fee to write about their product on the blog and give their opinion of it. When you think about influencer marketing, your mind quickly pulls up images of the influencers you know on Instagram and Youtube. Influencer marketing growth Image source: Influencer Marketing Hub.

That way she can ensure that the people in her audience will love it. High-quality review engagement Image source: Making Sense of Cents. Fitnes need to know that paying for a sponsored post will lead to sales to make it worth the investment. So sponsored posts may not be the best monetization system for blob but are great for more established bloggers.

If your blog is already generating traffic you can start reaching out to businesses fifness your niche whose products or services you already use and offer to write a sponsored post or review.

5 WAYS TO MAKE MONEY BLOGGING (Simple Ways to Monetize Your Blog’s Audience and Make Money Online)

When Should You Start to Monetize Your Blog?

Appreciate your thoughts as. Their prices are very good, their affiliate program is another way to earn an income from blogging and they are reliable. If you can, get certifications and attend courses so that you can back up your posts with citness credibility as well as a passion for the topic. MonetizePros says:. This moneg you to create and build referral networks. Over the last year I have managed to grow the website from something which started out life as a bit make money with a fitness blog a laugh into a profitable online business which can now support me financially.


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