The Escudo is. My game wont load after i win a race? What doesGTWC stand for? Decrease spring rate to smallest possible value on both front and rear. How do I choose which of the 4 cars awarded after winning a race? Go to beginner league and enter the gt champion ship 10 races Go to the super speed way and keep winning until you’ve reached about ,cr, Then go to car dealers and to lotus, and buy the best car for , When fully upgraded it has over horse power and goes almost mph.
Introduction: Gran Turismo 5 Tips: Money/Exp.
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When you start a new Gran Turismo mode buy an MX5 Mazda because it’s a light car and it should go pretty fast. Complete the Sunday Cup and sell the car you win because it won’t be very fast. Then make enough money to buy an Impretza STi Subaru. Then tune it up. Once again tune it up. Don’t sell anything. Save to about ,
Gran Turismo 3: A-Spec
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Boards Gran Turismo 4 Quick way to make money It works? User Info: XeRePa. No, the save file that have the cars slot 2 don’t get any money when trading.
Quickest way in game is the Ring 24 hours, since you get about 3 Million in 3 in game days. You mony buy cars from the slot 2 save, but like Han said the money doesn’t transfer across saves. Also, the car wy. buy from the slot 2 save doesn’t delete from that file, and any upgrades you may have made to that car doesn’t transfer.
You can’t sell cars from slot 1 to slot 2 at all. All I know is everything you know is wrong. Ok, thank you guys for telling me, should i have quickest way. to. make. money gran toueismo 3 this before i really would got constranged it should quickest way. to. make. money gran toueismo 3 a waste of time.
Would be a god idea though selling and buying cars from your buddies Anyway, i’ll just continue gtan the Toueismi Speedway to make that little green quick!
More topics from quockest board Those were the days. GameFAQs Answers. What’s the best way to make money? Build 5 Answers What’s the fastest car in the game? Build 2 Answers. Ask A Question. Browse More Questions. Keep me logged in on this device. Forgot your username or password?
User Info: XeRePa XeRePa 9 years ago 1 I’ve just thought about a quick way to make money and i guess i found ggan very interesting one, I didn’t tried it yet, if anyone already knows such a way like this and if it works or not, any help would be welcome. Wzy. deal is that you trade cars into other save to earn money. Having a memory card on slot 2, copy your save to it and make sure it haves a good amount of money and some cars worth selling.
Tl. your copied save and putting your old one in slot 2, trade the cars you wish to sell to your copied one, and it will give you much money as just selling them away Well, in a matter, when you trade cars, the toueismk you spend on them goes to the save game you trade them from? If is really that, this should work i don’t know if someone thought about this yet, i’ve guessed it by myself and should it work, I’ll try it.
Main Quest. What’s quickset best car to use for the Gran Turismo World Championship? What’s the fastest car in the game? Side Quest. Best car for Supercar Festival?
Gran Turismo 3 How to make money fast «Easiest Method»
Gran Turismo 4
Get the car you want in a series race First you have to go to a series race and get all first place until the last race. Gran Turismo Sport supports autosaving. When pulling the wheelie code using the Escudo Pikes Peak version the car can go over Mph as stated before, but I have reached a speed of » Can you confirm this? Article Edit. The Escudo is. Cookies make wikiHow better. Answered How do you get other courses in multiplayer mode? Freakin awesome car! If done properly, conrats! Categories: Gran Turismo. Google Loading Some have made 19, using this method.
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