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Make money flipping items reddit

make money flipping items reddit

Also sterling silver has a scrap value by weight if the frame was sterling so pretty much anything sterling you should buy if it’s cheap as you can sell it on ebay for at minimum scrap value. Those were very long sourcing trips. These options are all great. I have only been at it for three weeks but I have been dumpster diving for the same amount of time.

Here is how to buy and sell by flipping items:

Today, I have a fun interview to share with you that will show you how to buy and sell by flipping items. I recently had the chance to interview Melissa Stephenson of Flea Market Flipperwho explains how this may be a possibility for you. Hi Michelle! Thank you so much for having me on your blog! My name is Melissa Stephenson. My husband Rob and I buy used items and resell them online for a living.

Welcome to Reddit,

make money flipping items reddit
Flipping is essentially buying items at a low price to sell them elsewhere with a markup. Some people flip items for a living, while others just do it to get rid of excess items. To get in on the resale business, you will need a printer, a smartphone with a decent camera, shipping supplies, and some free time to do your research, find items to sell, and deal with customers. In order to make money flipping items you will need to buy the items for as little as possible. Moreover, you will need to be able to recognize a great deal when you see one.

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Today, I have a fun interview to share with you that will show you how to buy and sell by flipping items. I recently had the chance to interview Melissa Stephenson of Flea Market Flipperwho explains how this may be a possibility for you.

Hi Michelle! Thank you so monye for having me on your blog! My name is Melissa Stephenson. My husband Rob and I buy used items and resell them online for a living. It has always been a side stream income for us, but more recently has become the bulk of our income. He started way before I did, and I got into it because of being married to him! Even though he was 16 when he started flippinh on eBay and in the classifieds, he was exposed to it as a young kid.

His mom used to go to yard sales all the time when he was a kid and buy baby items to resell. She would find the nicest clothes, strollers, and car seats and post them make money flipping items reddit the classifieds. She made a great side income for their family of 9! They fli;ping 7 children and my husband is the youngest and only boy.

Can you imagine being the only boy with 6 older sisters! He admits he was a little spoiled by. This was something she could do with her kids, make some money, and still be home with. Something we can do while still being home with our three young kids.

We have a 4 year old, 2 year old and 9 month old, and having the power of our own schedule has helped us out a ton. We have had some pretty interesting items come though in the past 10 years of marriage.

It is so hard to pick just one! I can put them into 3 best categories. The award for the fastest flip would go to a parachute harness we sold in September. That is both a good and a bad thing. The award for the most profitable flip goes to a large purchase and sale this summer.

That was a great summer bonus! Lastly the flip that wins the most unique is one that we did almost 9 years ago. A prosthetic leg! A titanium leg with knee joint. That was also a quick and very profitable flip too, so it might win best overall as. I would love to explain a little better what it is we. A flipper is someone who buys something at a lower price point from one market, and sells it at a higher price point to another market that is looking for it. Some people may be familiar with the shows American Pickers and Storage Wars.

All of those people would qualify as pickers and flippers. They pick through used items, find out what they can sell then turn around and sell it. Another example of flipping that is popular is with houses. Many people buy houses that need some TLC, fix them up and then sell them for a higher cost.

Pickers and flippers are buying from one market and selling it to another usually with a little bit or sometimes a lot of work in. Everyone in the scenario wins. Take for example what we do — buying used items from the flea market, thrift stores, and yard sales. We will use just the flea market to simplify it. We buy an mooney from a flea market vendor; they make money on us because most likely they bought their item cheaper from an auction in itemms, or from a thrift store.

They are flippers too! The person who bought it is happy because they got the item they wanted and they got it for a discounted price as. Do they not know that option is available? Many of them are well aware of selling online, and the ones Rob knows will even tell him what it is selling online for — telling him what we could get for it. They have their routine of going to auctions to buy supplies, and then selling them at the flea market for a small markup.

They make the money to pay the bills, and are happy with. We have good relationships with several of the vendors at our local flea market now, flippihg years of buying things from.

We have returned non working items before, and sometimes we may even have a tab or credit running with some of. That is how often we see them! Sometimes when they come across an item they think we would be interested in, they call us up and we go check it out, and most likely purchase it. They are helping us out and we are helping them.

I mentioned before that we have done this on the side for as long as we have been together and Rob even longerbut the last 4 years we have made this more of a significant part of our income.

We have a couple small income streams on the. We knew that if we could make a significant side income in a few hours a week, that if we put more time into it that we could make a living off of it. One thing that we both love is our time flexibility. They require a lot of attention, so I primarily work on our business when they are napping or after they go to bed.

We can go to the flea market together on the weekends, and I also enjoy browsing yard sales on a Reddih morning. Rob works a little more on our business during the week, but if we want to take a morning off with the kids as a family we do it.

For example, in December we wanted to take the kids to go see Santa Clause at the local mall, but wanted to do it on a weekday before school kids got out of school. We did it and walked right up to see Santa with no line!

We also have a membership flippng a water park and in the summer time who are we kidding, most of the year since we are in Florida! Another thing that I love about it is not answering to a boss. I have enjoyed working for several companies, one as a tiems trainer for 5 years, and another as a performer on horseback in a dinner show for 3 years that was fun! With any job comes management — some great, and some not so great.

It is nice not having to deal with some of the not so great anymore. A third benefit is that the kids are constantly getting to play with new toys! An example is a couple Powerwheels drivable toy cars we have sold.

We buy them used, usually replace the battery, and they ride around in flipplng until we sell. Which leads me to my next point:. There is never a dull moment. It is hardly a boring job. We never know what fun item we are going to find. We recently purchased a very large lot of baseball, basketball, and football cards from a flea market vendor who won a storage unit auction.

My dad was really into baseball and I loved collecting cards with. Last week we bought searchlights that have been used by NASA to guide the space shuttles in — next week — who knows! We changed that in the past two years and now keep track makf.

Obviously there are no guarantees with this or any business, but if someone puts in the effort, they should be able to make a few hundred to a few thousand dollars per month over time. Most people can fit in a few hours in a week to make some extra money — heck, rfddit the U.

I could not believe this statistic when I looked it up! Male, female, any race, any age, any education, and any skill set can all learn the skills needed to be successful at.

A person just needs access to the Internet and a camera or a smart phone. Smart phones have made all the difference in this business the past few years. Rob used to buy an item, take pictures with a camera, plug the camera into the computer, upload them to eBay and then did the item description on a third party html site. Now we snap a picture with our phones and can immediately upload it from the apps.

Such a time saver! We decided in to start teaching an online course called Flipper University to help people get their business mone. We take all of our knowledge and 20 years of experience, and put it all together in a 6 module step-by-step mony. We help people get started who have makd done eBay before and we help people re-launch their business so they mondy bringing in more income.

Someone could easily get started and do well in hours a week. This will depend on their buy and sell niche. We encourage people to sell items in a niche when first getting started.

We ask what things are they passionate about or interested in? Baby items? Whatever they are interested in, they will have a better understanding of the item, and be more comfortable selling it in the beginning. This is just something we encourage in the beginning, but not something that has to be. We no longer have a certain type of item or a certain type of buyer.

We just know they are looking for the item we are selling, and then they buy it. We usually only know their eBay username and shipping address.

8 thoughts on “How to Make Money with Thrift Store Flipping”

Some flippers go even deeper than. I imagine I’ll be hanging around this sub for a. I don’t want to be a 60 year old man driving around in a busted ass car trying to feed myself with goosebumps books. These options are all great. I had a taste of it when I did make money flipping items reddit shipping, and I want that kind of a job back. It’s actually cheaper for me to ship a pair of jeans this way to anywhere in the US than it is for me to use Canada Post to ship them within the city I live in. Edit- Woah, thank you all for all your supportive comments! This is the US. Up vote. The nearest post office is over 30 minutes away but I’ve had no issues with scheduling USPS pick-ups at my apartment. I equate it to the poker boom where you used to be able to go into the poker room and it would just be the rocks and the tourists. I will give selling locally a try. Also consider Reddiquette The latter isn’t mandatory but might be used in considering the intent of your post. If your post is asking about what to do about an item take-down request or legal notice, we’ll remove it. Whoa, we’re flipping twins! Each one of those items I’ve learned something — whether it’s about shipping, what items sell for me, or that BOLOs that I see aren’t always sure things.


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